
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tufted Titmouse

From the bird collection...  I put up a birdfeeder behind the house so I could attract a variety of birds to photograph.  A couple hours after putting the feeder up, I heard one heck of a rackett outside, so I went around back to look, and the birds were having a feeding frenzy!  It sure didnt take them long to discover the feeder full of seed.  I went in, got the camera, and so that I would not scare them away, I opened the window in the bedroom facing the feeder, and shot a couple images through the screen.  I know they're not the best, shooting through window screen, but I couldnt remove it easily without scaring away my new feathered friends. Among the birds nearby was a very handsome Cardinal, but by the time I had the camera ready, he had flown off.  I was able to get these 3 images of a Tufted Titmouse who decided to stick around for awhile.

Posing for the camera

I come and go.  I just got back!

Oops, Almost fell!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Winter Wren

Best that I can tell, this is a Winter Wren, taken at Mill Creek Park in Boardman, Ohio.   I used the Canon Rebel T3, shot raw, 1/1500 second using a 300mm telephoto zoom, iso 800 at f/5.6.  Distance to the subject was about 30-50 feet..

 The picture was taken among a lot of brush in the background, so to make the bird stand out, I created an oval selection in Photoshop around the bird, feathered to 100 pixels and inverted the selection.  There I applied a heavy Gaussian blur and substantially reduced the saturation.  I re-inverted the selection and applied a little unsharp masking and adjusted the levels a bit to bring out the brightness in the bird.  
I then cropped the image and saved it.